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Reviewing your home loan regularly is a smart way to avoid paying too much interest as there are much better things to spend money on. Call us now, we're happy to help 

Home lending is a fast paced world where new products and packages are released weekly by lenders hungry for your business. It makes sense to review your loan every one to two years. A better loan doesn’t always mean a refinance. A good broker will start by re-negotiating with your current lender on your behalf.


However it comes about, you’ll enjoy the savings. There’s no point paying more interest than you have to.

And it's not just lending that changes. Have you had changes in your income? A new job? Has your family grown – or shrunk? Has it been a while since you’ve reviewed your home loan? Do you have other repayments like cards or car loans you need to get on top of?


If your own circumstances have changed it's worth reviewing what is or isn’t working.


Whether you end up with a better interest rate or you change your mortgage to suit new plans, consider a review on your home loan like a service on your car - a great way to ensure you’re getting the best performance possible.



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We compare loans from our panel of over 30 lenders to find the one with the right fit just for you. Contact us now for a pre-appproval >> 
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