How to get into your first home
This week I met with a gorgeous couple who are rapidly saving for their first home, but, given prices in Sydney and the cost of rent the...
Why I love being a mortgage broker
First up – I have an amazing job that I love and even better it’s a win – win, the better I do for you the better it is for me. I’m a...
What is a portable loan?
What is special about a ‘portable loan’? A question from a reader “ I believe our loan is a portable loan so that means we can take it...
Do I need to refinance?
When refinancing isn’t the best option. Sometimes people come to me and ask for a refinance, but they’re basically happy with their...
A small renovation, like a new kitchen, could cost you as little as $40 a week, or nothing at all if
Most of us are living with at least one home feature that we don’t love – a kitchen, a bathroom, old deck or lack of car accommodation –...
Redraw Facility...great for emergencies!
Redraw Facility: If you have made any lump sum or additional principal repayments to your loan account, you can access those extra...
What structure should you use to buy your property?
Most people, when buying a home to live in with your spouse and your family, will buy the home as ‘Joint tenants’, that is, essentially...
Refinancing: This means that you switch your current loan from one lender to another; this might be to save interest, to access equity or...
Rate cut - astounding!
At the RBA meeting today the decision was made to cut interest rates by 0.25% to an absolutely unheard of 1.5% official cash rate - on...
Beware the cost of lost opportunity
Occasionally we are presented with opportunities that we know or believe would make a difference in our lives – and sometimes they are...