Should I pay off my loans or save my deposit first?
We know for best chances of approval we ought to have as much deposit as possible - and as little debt as possible, but if we can only...
Renting and having trouble saving a deposit?
Looking for clues to help you save a deposit while renting? Buying your first home?
Why you still might not be able to borrow - even if you have a lot of equity.
It can happen that you can have a property with a lot of equity, or you have a very large deposit, but we tell you that your income isn’t...
Genuine Savings...time to save!
Genuine Savings: Genuine savings are a requirement where we are borrowing more than 90% of the value of the house and simply put it means...
What is a Deposit Bond?
What is a Deposit bond? A deposit bond replaces the deposit you are required to pay when the home you are buying is “exchanged” (that is,...
Are you ready to buy your first home?
My article for the Western Weekender Getting a deposit together & buying your...