Exciting times! Your broker has given you the green light to start shopping for your dream property
Your broker has given you the green light to start shopping for your dream property but what happens next? 1) Define what you want -...
Radio 3AW and Brett Sutton talk HECS Debt (not that Brett Sutton, our Brett)
Brett was asked to speak to Victorian radio station 3AW about impending increases to HECS debt - government backed student loans - and...
What is interest by any other name... try indexing and it is hitting student debts hard this year.
Brett was asked to give an overview on how Hecs, help and other study debts are impacted by the current inflation rates - and also what...
How to get loan ready
Getting ready to buy or refinance & want to have the best chance of success? Simple tips to follow & get yourself “loan ready”
How to buy a property
Author: Brett Sutton Exciting times! Your broker has given you the green light to start shopping for your dream property but what happens...