5 things to avoid this Christmas
Overspending - no one needs more *stuff* and you're only going to have to pay it off. While we are on the subject, avoid going in to debt...

What's on your credit report & how long will it be there for?
Our friends at LoanU have produced this handy guide to how long adverse notes on your credit report will remain.

10 Tips to get the best valuation - from a valuer
Our friends at WBP group have offered some salient tips to get the best from your valuation - check out their top 10 and download their...

Is your credit score... delicious or disgusting?
OK its a bad pun but we're using a hamburger as a reference so we will allow it. Equifax, one of the credit reporting bureaus, has...

A plea from a credit repair specialist, protect your credit report and credit score
Victoria Coster of Credit Fix Solutions is a recognised expert in the credit repair industry and she has asked us to share that she is...

There’s a lot of noise – a lot of noise – about the “fixed rate cliff” in the media
What is the fixed rate cliff? During Covid, many of us took advantage of the ultra low fixed rates on offer, and now these fixed rates...

What impacts your borrowing power?
When interest rates are high, borrowing power is substantially impacted – this is of course out of your control, so what is in your...

Radio 3AW and Brett Sutton talk HECS Debt (not that Brett Sutton, our Brett)
Brett was asked to speak to Victorian radio station 3AW about impending increases to HECS debt - government backed student loans - and...

A quick (fun) look at how an offset account works!!
From our sister website homeloancomparison.com.au You've probably heard of an offset account - you may even have one - but do you...

Mortgage Prisoners
An ominous heading... and a serious topic. Mortgage prisoners is a term coined to reflect borrowers who are paying a higher than...